
What is Deliverance?

What is Inner Healing?

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Inner Healing is where the power of the Holy Spirit brings healing and freedom from emotional, spiritual and trauma wounds from our past. These wounds are often stored in the memories burried deep in the sub-conscious of hurting people. Inner Healing focuses on the healing of the hurts and pains associated with those memories by helping people to experience Jesus' presence in the memory and give to Him those hurts, extending forgivness where needed and recieve Jesus' love, grace and healing. This does not change the facts about the memory but removes the pain associated with it, freeing people from the negative emotions that effect their lives today
Deliverance is the supernatural power of God delivering us out of physical, emotional, and spiritual bondage, its God's power that breaks the power of demonic forces operating in the lives of God's people. It is the miracle of people being freed from demonic bondage.